Thursday, November 29, 2012

Just for Julien

Julien Laroche is our school Director here in Despinos. Julien has been with the mission since before April and I came here in 2007. In 2010, Julien took over as Director (Principal) of the school. since then, he has helped the school with being accountable and also has held the Parents resposiblility of their children's education. This school is liscenced because of the hard work Julien has put forth. We appreciate Julien and we have a lot of respect for what he is doing.
Julien is now hoping to furthur his education. He has  been out of school for 3 years and being he has big ideas for the mission school, he wants to better prepare himself for the next steps ahead.
We need your help. As far as education goes, Haiti is very inexpensive capared to American schools. Juien needs $275 to start his schooling and fallowing that we would like to see 10 people commit to a one time $60 commitment. This is the cost of Julienss education per month. Please contact us directly by emailing our secretary Sandra Craft at or Joel Hess at The school year has started but he still has time to enter.Please pray and consider what you can do to help not only our school Director, but our school advance. This is just one more way that we would like to provide the students or HGM with a great education . Friday rhe 30th of Nov, Julien has arranged for 60 of our kids to go to the National Museum in Port-au-Prince. This is a great opporunity many kids never get to learn so much about their history and culture. Within the museum, they have placed one of the anchors from the ships Christopher Columbus sailed on.
As always, we appreciate all of you that are currently supporting HGM and also a great many thanks for all of your prayers. God is helping and we feel your support. God Bless
The HGM Team

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